The agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on social security, which was signed in 2018 and later mutually ratified, came into force on March 1, 2021. In thıs regard relevant Ministries of Mongolia and Turkey held vıdeo conference and discussed the implementation of the agreement. Mr. S.Zulpkhar, Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Protection of Mongolia and Mr. Ahmet Erdem, the Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey, made an opening remarks respectively.
The working group consulted the technical details, such as conforming the application forms and to whom the agreement shall imply and agreed to further coordinate their actions. The agreement shall apply to compulsory and voluntary ınsured people working in Turkey and will enable aggregation of periods of insurance completed for entitlement to social security pensions. Accordıng to the Immıgratıon offıce of Turkey, 1305 Mongolian citizens reside in Turkey with official permit.