The Embassy of Mongolia in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution cohosted the “Mongolian Cultural Night” a cultural promotion event at Smithsonian Freer and Sackler Museum on July 27, 2018.
The event was organized on the occasion of the “Fridays at Freer” event with approximately 700 attendants from the Department of State, people who are interested in Mongolian affairs, and both foreign and Mongolian residents living in the United States. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the United States made opening remarks and gave a brief introduction of Mongolian history, culture, heritage as well as historical relations and current cooperation of Mongolia and the United States.
During the cultural promotion event Mongolian artists performed Mongolian traditional, western classical music and dance performances. Not only did artist Tsolmon Damba distributed his art exhibition and short painting demonstration, but also Mongolian Cuisine was served by famous Mongolian restaurant.
Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum, education and research complex, consisting of 154 million historical items and artifacts. The institution has 19 museums, 2 galleries, 9 research centers, and zoo that include historical and architectural landmarks, mostly located in Washington D.C and New York.