Үнэлгээ өгөх Үнэлгээ өгөх


On January 25, 2019 Mr. Damdinsuren Davaasuren, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, met with Mr.Patrick Borbey, President of the Public Service Commission of Canada, Mr.Fred Gorrel, Assistant Deputy-Minister for Agri-Food and Agriculture Canada, as well as with Mr.Brad Trost, Member of Parliament.

State Secretary has expressed gratitude to Mr.P.Borbey for launching “Towards a Professional and Citizen-centred Civil Service” project in February 2018, and for organizing training in Ottawa.

Mr.Davaasuren has presented the letter from Mr.B.Tsogoo, Head of Civil Service Council of Mongolia, addressed to Mr.Patrick Borbey, expressing intention to continue further collaborating with the Canadian Public Service Commission to strengthen the Mongolian public service capacity. Also he informed that the new Law on Public Service has come into effect on January 1, 2019 and highlighted the Canadian valuable contribution rendered through support and advisory during the drafting of the Law.

During the meeting with Mr.Fred Gorrel, Assistant Deputy Minister of Agri-Food and Agriculture, Mr.D.Davaasuren informed on the current status of agriculture and food industries and they have agreed to identify cooperation areas in the near future as well as to study the possibility for Mongolians to apply for the Temporary Worker Program practiced in farms across the Western Provinces, particularly in Alberta. Assistant Deputy Minister warmly accepted the invitation to visit Mongolia at the time of his convenience.

Mr. Brad Trost, Member of Parliament, and State Secretary have expressed their satisfaction with the dynamic cooperation between the Parliaments.