Үнэлгээ өгөх Үнэлгээ өгөх



State House
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Speech of Tsakhia Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia
at the Tenth Congress of International Mongolists

Honorable Mongolists,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the people of Mongolia and in my own name, I sincerely congratulate you Mongolian and international scholars and scientists those are participating in the Tenth Congress of International Mongolists and I wish success for the activities of the scholarly congress.

This nice summer morning, I am very much delighted to be with you here and to participate in your discussion.

I consider that this congress is the expression of the support and inspiration of global scholars and scientists for all activities of us Mongolians to consolidating a new society respecting democracy and freedom.

The first Congress of International Mongolists-Philologists that took place in Ulaanbaatar City in 1959 was the first international congress for not only Mongolian philology but also Mongol studies. When we look back to that congress from the height of today’s democratic society, it is clearly seen that half a century ago scholars, scientists and researchers made brave efforts to develop Mongol studies to international level.

The first congress widened its scope and became the “Congress of International Mongolists” and has held the congress for nine times and the number of participant countries and panelists has steadily increased.

Taking this opportunity, let us remember scholars those invaluably contributed to developing Mongol studies namely Dr. Charles Bawden of the U.K., Dr. Abematsu Genichi and Prof. Shigeo Ozawa of Japan, Dr. P. Alto of Finland, Yuri Nikolayevich Roerich and Dr. Garma Sanjeev of Russia, Dr. Wen Du Jiang of China, Dr. Raghu Vira of India, Dr. Byambiin Renchin, Dr. Tsendiin Damdinsuren and Dr. Sharaviin Luvsanvandan of Mongolia.

It is a great pride that a new generation of Mongolists – those will continue the publications and creations of the amazing scholars, scientists and researchers of Mongol studies – is emerging. Deepening Mongol studies further is vital for Mongolian future.

The Congress of International Mongolists is well known among Mongol Studies congresses and conferences those take place in many countries and thus Mongolists of many countries prepare and keep their interesting presentations with new ideas and solutions for the Congress of Ulaanbaatar.

Scholars, Scientists and Researchers,

You who know Mongolia and us Mongolians the best have gathered in this hall. Mongolia is a nation of rich history and great tradition of statehood. I consider that the basis of the existence of any nation is its history, heritage, culture and tradition. Therefore, we aspire to preserve, develop and flourish our national uniqueness, history, culture, tradition and heritage while we live together with other nations in the globalization era. Globalization does not mean to make everybody same. Instead, joining globalization means nations come with their own unique color, appearance, language, culture, history and heritage. If Mongolia looks without any difference from other countries when someone comes, Mongolia can not look like Mongolia and this will be boring.

It is remarkable to see what culture Mongolia has; what Mongolians do from getting up in the morning until she/he sleeps in the evening; what Mongolians worry about; how we adapt to nature on our land for many centuries.

The language, culture and the way of living of Mongolians are incredible progress that stands out with its uniqueness among histories, cultures and ways of living of human-being. Thus we Mongolians need to preserve our way of living while we join the globalization process.

I focus on supporting the proposals and initiatives of our scholars and scientists. Immediately after being elected as the President of Mongolia, I defined six major points to pay attention.

Many decrees and orders were issued on those points. One of the main directions that the President needs to focus on is Mongolian history, heritage, culture, the way of living and tradition. As Head of State and President, one of my main duties is to pay attention to continue to keep the above, and preserve Mongolia as Mongolia.

Let me mention three of these. We accorded with the Government of Mongolia and I issued a decree to include “Mongolian Traditional Way of Thinking and Basis of Yin Yang” subject – which is to introduce Mongolian culture, history, tradition, and the way of living to freshmen of primary school – into primary school’s academic program from this year. Now teachers those are going to teach the subject are re-trained and the textbook of the class is being developed.