Delegations led by MP, Ms. Batsukh Saranchimeg, Chair of the Mongolia-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group, MP Ms.Zagdkhuu Narantuya and Head of Foreign Relations Division of the Secretariat of the State Great Hural, Ms.Shar Narantuya visited Canada from 1st to 5th of May 2017.
During the visit, the MPs paid a courtesy call on Speaker of the House of Commons, Honourable Geoff Regan; met with members and Chair of the Canada-Mongolia Friendship Group in the Parliament of Canada, Senator Joseph Day, and with Chair and Vice-Chair of the Parliament Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, Bryan May and Brigitte Sansoucy, as well as with General Director of North Asia and Oceania Bureau at the Global Affairs Canada, Sarah Taylor to discuss and exchange views on expanded bilateral relations and cooperation.
Mongolian delegations visited the Canadian Parliament with longstanding history and highlighted the willingness to strengthen the cooperation between two countries; and have extended gratefulness for Canada, the third neighbor, for its consistent support to Mongolia in strengthening democracy, human rights and development. Moreover, MPs met with members of Ontario Provincial Legislative Assembly in Toronto and got acquainted with the activities of the provincial parliament.
The visit has been organized within the scope of MOU signed between the Secretariat of the State Great Hural /Parliament/ of Mongolia and the Administration of the House of Commons of Canada in 2016.