Үнэлгээ өгөх Үнэлгээ өгөх


On 21 May, His Excellency Avirmid Battur, Ambassador to France, received Mr. Bertrand Guillet, Director of the History Museum of Nantes, Castle of Nantes, and Ms. Marie Favereau, History professor and researcher at the University of Paris-Nanterre to exchange views on the project of an exhibition about Genghis Khan which is planned to be hosted by the Museum through October 2023 and May 2024.

The exhibition aims to present original works from French museums such as the Louvre, Quai Branly, Guimet and Sèvres, the National Archives and the National Library of France as well as collections from Mongolia and other foreign countries. The director of the museum, Mr. Guillet noted that they are not only planning to include film and cultural activities or business forums in the whole program but also publishing a great catalog about Genghis Khan in French.

Ambassador A.Battur underlined that the Government of Mongolia attaches a great importance to this project which will promote the history of the Emperor Genghis Khan and the Mongolian cultural heritage in a wide range of activities and expressed its readiness to collaborate with the museum in all aspects.

The exhibition host place – the History Museum of Nantes is located at the Château de Ducs de Bretagne welcomes nearly 1.7 million visitors a year and the first most visited place in the West of France and 13th most prestigious historic place in France.