The focal point of Mongolia’s nuclear-weapon-free status welcomed the entry into force of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ) as an important regional measure aimed at contributing to the objectives of nuclear disarmament and the strengthening the non-proliferation regime. In its statement, the focal point stated that in order to be most effective, the African states that have not yet done so needed to sign and/or ratify the Treaty of Pelindaba as soon as possible, w h i l e the nuclear-weapon States that have not yet done so needed to sign and ratify the relevant Protocols to the Treaty as soon as possible. The statement further underlined that Mongolia, as a non-nuclear-weapon State with a unique location that did not permit it to be part of any regional (traditional) NWFZs, was pursuing the policy of institutionalizing its nuclear-weapon-free status by concluding an appropriate international treaty with its neighbors and becoming part of the growing network of NWFZs.