The fifth session on the Committee on Trade and Investment of the United Nations Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) was held from 31 October to 2 November 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Committee session discussed the Asia-Pacific Trade and investment Report 2017 and reviewed issues reflected in the documents such as “The role of trade and trade policy as drivers of regional integration and prosperity in an era of economic uncertainty”, “Promoting trade facilitation, paperless trade and electronic commerce for sustainable development”; “Investment and enterprise development for sustainable development” as well as drafts resolutions for submission to the Commission at its seventy-fourth session.
Delegates elected the Bureau of the Committee session with Mr. Swarnim Wagle, Vice Chairman of the National Planning Commission of Nepal as the Chairperson of the Committee session. Mr. Arjuna Sujeewa Senasinghe, State Minister of International Trade, Ministry of Development Strategy and International Trade of Sri Lanka and Mr. Enkhbold Vorshilov, Director-General of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were elected as Vice Chairs of the Committee Session.
The Mongolian representatives delivered statements on the agendas on Promoting trade facilitation, paperless trade and electronic commerce for sustainable development and Investment and enterprise development for sustainable development and also briefed the delegates on the current trade and investment environment in Mongolia. In addition, the Mongolian delegation has expressed its request to receive continued support from ESCAP, particularly in the area of capacity building in trade negation skills, implementation of WTO TFA, developing Free economic zones and technical assistance in supporting Mongolia’s technology and innovation capacity.
2017 оны 11 дүгээр сарын 3