Ambassador-designate of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia Mr. Choi Jin Won presented his Letters of Credence to the President of Mongolia U..
During the meeting, the President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh congratulated Ambassador Choi Jin Won on officially assuming his duties and wished him success in his future endeavors.
President U.Khurelsukh expressed his satisfaction that relations and cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea have been developing and deepening in all fields at the high-level of “Strategic Partnership”. Furthermore, he expressed his belief that the new Ambassador would exert his efforts and work actively in elevating the trade, investment and economic cooperation, including establishing the Economic Partnership Agreement as well as creating favorable conditions for people-to-people exchanges.
Ambassador Choi Jin Won expressed his delight to be back in Mongolia, appointed as the Ambassador this time around. The Ambassador emphasized that during this tenure in Mongolia, he will prioritize intensifying constructive economic cooperation and facilitating the conditions of mutual travel between the citizens of the two countries.