Үнэлгээ өгөх Үнэлгээ өгөх


At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Mongolia Ukhnaa Khurelsukh is paying a State visit to Uzbekistan on 23-26 June, 2024.

The Heads of State held official talks in Kuksaroy Presidential Palace on 24 June, 2024.

At the outset of the meeting, President U.Khurelsukh expressed his heartfelt gratitude to President Sh.Mirziyoyev, the Government and the people of Uzbekistan for the cordial invitation to visit their scenic and beautiful country located in the centre of Eurasia as well as the warm and friendly reception extended to the Mongolian delegation.

President U.Khurelsukh underscored the centuries-old linkages between the two people noting their shared values such as nomadic culture, history, customs, and the longstanding friendly relations between the two countries. He affirmed his commitment to strengthening friendly relations with Uzbekistan and bolstering mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation.

President Sh.Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that the first-ever visit at the level of the Head of State of Mongolia in 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1992 will provide an important impetus to strengthening friendly ties between Mongolia and Uzbekistan and enriching cooperation with new economic content.

The Heads of State of the two countries reviewed their achievements of the past 30 years, identified prospects and directions of cooperation for the next 30 years, and expressed their satisfaction in opening together a new chapter of the history of the relations.

Both sides welcomed the signing of over 10 treaties and agreements between the Governments and organizations during the visit, which will strengthen the legal framework of relations between the two countries.

Both sides affirmed their commitment to expanding and deepening cooperation in mining, agriculture, light industry, transport, logistics, tourism, education, culture, and health sectors as part of the development of mutually beneficial economic cooperation.

During the visit, both sides expressed confidence that the opening of the Embassy of Mongolia in Tashkent will significantly enhance the rapid development of bilateral relations and cooperation as well as contribute to a substantial increase in trade turnover. President Sh.Mirziyoyev noted Uzbekistan’s willingness to open its Embassy in Ulaanbaatar in the near future.

The Heads of State commended the establishment of the “Joint Program for the Development of the Mongolian-Uzbek Trade, Economic, and Investment Cooperation for 2024-2026”. They expressed their commitment to collaborate in increasing the trade turnover between the two countries by 10-20 times, with Mongolia supplying wool, cashmere, leather, meat and meat products to Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries through Uzbekistan, and importing fruits and vegetables from Uzbekistan.

To facilitate the implementation and actualization of the agreed tasks in trade, economy, and investment, the Heads of State of the two countries decided to organize the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission in the second half of 2024 in Tashkent.

Both sides agreed to implement joint projects and programs based on the resources and potential of the agriculture and light industry sectors of Mongolia and Uzbekistan, which will serveas a symbol of the relationship between the two countries and agreed to establish relevant working groups.

The parties commended the conclusion of the “Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of Uzbekistan on Air Service” and the “Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of Uzbekistan on International Road Transport”, which establish the legal basis for enhancing cooperation in the transport sector.

Taking advantage of visa-free travel between the citizens, both sides agreed to continue cooperation in establishing direct flights between Ulaanbaatar and Tashkent, fostering the two-way flow of people, increasing the export and import of goods and products, and developing the tourism sector.

They welcomed the participation of more than 300 representatives of business entities from both countries in the “Mongolia-Uzbekistan Business Forum” held in Tashkent and agreed to jointly organize agriculture and light industry exhibitions and trade events in the future.

Acknowledging that hundreds of Mongolian youth received higher education in Uzbekistan, the parties agreed to revive the traditional relations in the field of education and expand cooperation by mutually offering Government scholarships to both Mongolian and Uzbek students.

The Heads of State commended the development of the health sector as a new area of cooperation between Mongolia and Uzbekistan. They highlighted the significance of the “Nura” health diagnostic center to be established in Tashkent, equipped with modern advanced technologies through investment from Mongolian enterprises, which will make an important contribution to the expanding and developing cooperation in the health sector.

The two countries have actively cooperated within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations, mutually supporting each other. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen thecooperation in the regional and international arenas.

In order to jointly make a contribution to global efforts incombating climate change, desertification, and protecting the environment, both sides agreed to collaborate in the forestry sector by aligning Mongolia’s “Billion Trees” national movement with Uzbekistan’s “Green Space” project.

The Uzbek side expressed its willingness to join the “Multilateral Agreement for the Establishment of an Internation Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries” initiated by Mongolia.

Both sides welcomed the organization of the “Mongolian-Uzbek Joint Cultural Performance” under the auspices of the Heads of State of the two countries. They agreed to collaborate on organizing the Mongolian-Uzbek cultural days and to work together to promote the mutual awareness of the heritage, culture, customs, and traditions of the two countries.

As an outcome of the official talks, President U.Khurelsukh and President Sh.Mirziyoyev signed the Joint Statement on Interstate Relations and Cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of Uzbekistan.