Үнэлгээ өгөх Үнэлгээ өгөх


H.E. Mr. U. Khurelsukh, the Prime Minister of Mongolia, who is paying an official visit to the United States, met the Honorable Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, on September 20, 2018, and exchanged views on the matters of bilateral cooperation, as well as regional and global issues of mutual interest.

The Prime Minister and the Secretary mutually expressed their satisfaction with the expanding relations and cooperation between Mongolia and U.S and hailed that as a result of the Prime Minister’s visit. The bilateral relationship was upgraded and reached the level of the “Expanded Comprehensive Partnership”. The sides affirmed their commitments to strengthen this partnership through deepening of economic ties.

And in that regard, Prime Minister Khurelsukh expressed his satisfaction with the agreement of both sides to implement the “Roadmap for expanded economic partnership between Mongolia and the United States of America”. He emphasized the desire of Mongolia to see the United States as its significant investor, trade partner; and develop mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation.

Prime Minister noted that Mongolia is taking certain measures to diversify its economy. He informed that a number of Congressmen introduced a bill to the US Congress, which would promote a duty-free treatment of the Mongolian cashmere and textile products to the U.S. market, and requested a support.

During the meeting, the two sides also underlined the $350 Million Second Compact Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and US Millennium Challenge Corporation. Prime Minister Khurelsukh emphasized that this Compact Agreement is important in addressing one of the most challenging issues of the City of Ulaanbaatar – increasing of bulk water supply and is essential in improving the social livelihood of the Mongolians. He underlined the commitment to implement this project, which is a symbol of the lasting friendship between the two peoples, and expressed sincere appreciation to the people and the Government of the United States. The US side underscored that the MCC assistance under the Compact Agreement supports Mongolia’s demonstrated commitment to strengthening good governance, economic freedom, and investments in the people of Mongolia.

The Mongolian side noted that the political ties between Mongolia and the United States are being strengthened through bilateral, trilateral and multilateral mechanisms; and the regional, as well as multilateral cooperation, is expanding, and its substance is deepening. The Prime Minister highlighted the bilateral defense, as well as peacekeeping cooperation as of the clear examples.

Prime Minister Khurelsukh emphasized on Mongolia’s peaceful and open foreign policy and expressed the commitment towards building peace and stability worldwide, particularly in its own region – Northeast Asia. He congratulated President Trump and Secretary Pompeo with the successful and brave decision to resolve the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through peaceful and diplomatic means.

Secretary Pompeo thanked Mongolia for supporting an uneasy process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Prime Minister affirmed Mongolia’s contribution to this noble deed and expressed his commitment to further collaboration.

The sides reiterated their pledge to promote and deepen the people-to-people ties within the bilateral relations between Mongolia and the U.S and exchanged views on jointly implementing the activities such as announcing 2019 as a Mongolia-US Youth Year, increasing the number of Peace Corps volunteers, and exchange of young people. Mongolia participates at the H2 visa program, and the two sides are working to start Mongolia’s inclusion at the visa waiver program, as well as including Mongolia to the list of countries, whose citizens may benefit from certain social payments.

Moreover, during the meeting, both sides exchanged views on cooperation in the areas of energy, anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism as well as cyberinfrastructure.